The creation of this parish was one of the dynamic and courageous acts by His Grace Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios, Metropolitan of the Bombay Diocese.
The Malankara Orthodox Church in India traces its origin of Christianity in Kerala to the missionary work of St. Thomas, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ. Tradition says St. Thomas came to India in A.D. 52 and established seven churches in Maliankara, Palayur, Kottakayal, Kokkamangalm, Niranom, Nilackal, and Kurakkankollam. Thus the Christians in Kerala are called St. Thomas Christians and church the Malankara Church. The Malankara Orthodox Church in the United States refers to American Dioceses (North & South), parishes, congregations, and worship centers established for the members living in United States and Canada.
Men and Women from Kerala learned about better opportunities in life and migrated to different parts of the world and established worship centers in places where ever they settled. In the early seventies a few of the St. Thomas Christians from Kerala immigrated to Staten Island, New York.
From the historic perspective the history of Staten Island St. George Church may be loosely divided into three periods.
1. St. George Church before 1976
2. St. George Church in 1976 – 1980
3. St. George Church from 1981 to present.
In the early seventies a few of the St. Thomas Christians migrated to New York and settled in Staten Island. They were all eager to keep their faith and tradition of the Malankara Church in this new land. As there was no worship center in Staten Island for them, the faithful travelled miles to attend church service in Manhattan, St. Thomas Orthodox Church which was the only one established parish in New York tristate area at that time. As time passed by the number of families increased in Staten Island. August 10, 1974 is a memorable and historic day for the Kerala Christians in Staten Island as well as Orthodox Church of India. The Rev. Fr. T. M. Zachariah (Cor-Episcopa) conducted Holy Qurbana in Malayalam, the mother tongue of Keralities in Staten Island. Mr. C. V. Varughese was instrumental in organizing the members to establish a worship center in Staten Island. Rev. Fr. Yohannan Sankarathil (Cor-Episcopa), Rev. Fr. Thomas Mundukuzhy (Cor-Episcopa), Rev. Fr. K. C. George, and Rev. Fr. T.C. Mathai conducted services in the island.
An independent parish on the island was the dream of many people. They expressed their desire to higher church authorities but their wish was not granted for a while. One group demanded an immediate action and separated themselves and approached a Syrian bishop. Thus that group became the first parish of the Jacobite Church in Staten Island under the Patriarch of Antioch. The group that waited continued as a congregation under St. Thomas church, with worship services twice a month in the island. Since there was no place of their own for worship services the congregation rented space in different places from time to time. Mr. Simon Kulangara helped to resolve the problem of finding a place for worship. He offered the street level hall of his house at 15 North Burger Ave and with the help of the members converted the space into a beautiful hall and was later named “Elizabeth Memorial hall” after his daughter Elizabeth who passed away at a tender age. His Grace Mar Makarios visited the center on September 29, 1976 and sanctified the hall.
In 1975, Rev. Fr. K.C. Thomas (Bishop Makarios) was consecrated as a bishop of the Malankara Orthodox Church. Then the outside Kerala diocese of the church divided and formed four new dioceses – Bombay, Delhi, Madras and Calcutta diocese of the church. The parishes in Middle East, Europe and America were included under Bombay Diocese and Holy Synod appointed His Grace Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios as the Diocesan Metropolitan in 1976. For the administrative expediency His Grace brought all parishes and congregations in the United States and Canada under the “American Zone” of the Bombay Diocese. The first formal meeting of the clergy and parish delegates of the American Zone was held at St. Thomas Orthodox Church in Manhattan, New York on December 18, 1976. In 1977, the zonal meeting requested His Grace to grant permission to establish three more parishes in New York City in addition to St. Thomas Manhattan and St. Mary’s Bronx and also parishes at Houston, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baltimore and Newark. On May 8, 1977 three more parishes (in addition to St. Thomas Manhattan –Vicar Rev. Fr. N.K. Cherian (Cor-episcopa) and St. Mary’s Bronx – Vicar Rev. Fr. A. K. Cherian) St. Gregorios Queens – Vicar Rev. Fr. Yohannan Sankarathil (Cor-episcopa), St. Baselios Brooklyn – Vicar Rev. Fr. T. M. Zachariah (Cor-episcopa) and St. George Staten Island – - Vicar Rev. Fr. T. A. Thomas (a young and newly ordained priest) were formed by the order Kalpana No. 31/77 from His Grace Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios, Bombay Diocesan Metropolitan. Thus St. George Church became a reality and the dream of the Staten Island faithful fulfilled.
The St. George Malankara Orthodox Church of India, Staten Island became an independent parish as of May 8, 1977 and Rev. Fr. T.A. Thomas as the first vicar. Mr. Koshy Jacob and Mr. Skaria Oommen were elected as treasurer and secretary. In 1977 the church was incorporated as a non- profit religious corporation with New York State. The membership grew to 14 and the Founding Members list given in herewith. The parish gathered at Elizabeth Memorial Hall for worship services and conducted Holy Qurbana every Sunday. Also, Martha Mariam Samajam, Sunday School, and Prayer meetings were held regularly. On November 13, 1977 a devastating fire consumed everything in the church and the young parish lost everything. The Special General Body convened on November 19, 1977 at the residence of Mr. Cherian Kulangara, 120 Park Ave, decided to rebuild the hall and Church Building Committee was formed to find out a worship place of their own.
The visit of His Holiness Moran Mar Baselios Mar Thoma 1, the Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan (the Supreme Head of the Malankara Orthodox Church in India), the creation of American Diocese and appointment of Mar Makarios as the first Diocesan Metropolitan were all significant events in the history of the church. On July 18, 1979 His Holiness the Catholicos visited St. George Church. The Almighty God blessed St. George Church to accomplish the long cherished desire to have a church building of its own in 1980. On May 1, 1980 Mar Makarios along with Mr. Skaria Oommen presented a copy of the property deed (75 Cedar Grove Ave, Staten Island, New York) and a copy of the church incorporation papers to the Catholicos and Malankara Metropolitan at the Malankara Association meeting held at Kottayam, Kerala, India. Thus St. George Church made history by owning the first real property outside India for the Malankara Church. The Consecration of the New Church Building was another significant event in the history of St. George Church. On June 7, 1980 His Grace Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios Metropolitan consecrated the church building at 75 Cedar Grove Ave. Thus St. George Church became the first church to own and consecrate a church building for the Malankara Church in the Western Hemisphere. Mr. Varghese Thomas was instrumental in locating the above mentioned property for the church. By the end of 1980 the membership grew to 22 families.
The Following are the Founding Members of St. George Orthodox Church (1977):
C.V.Varughese & Family
K.A. Cherian & Family
Y. John & Family
K.A. Simon & Family
P.P. Abraham & Family
Koshy Jacob & Family
Skaria Oommen & Family
Abraham Geevarghese & Family
Philip Thykudam & Family
Varghese Thomas & Family
Korah K Korah & Family
Mathews Philip & Family
John Mathew & Family
Mary Mathew
Vicars of St. George Church
Rev. Fr. T. A. Thomas 1977 – 1996
The First Vicar Very Rev. Dr. M. E. Idiculla and Very Rev. Paulose Adai served as interim vicars in 1996
Rev. Fr. C. Daniel 1997—1998
Very Rev. Paulose Adai, Cor Episcopa 1999 –2003
Rev. Fr. Philip C Abraham 2004—2008
Rev. Fr. Alex K Joy (2009-2017)
Rev. Fr. Johnson C. John (2017-2018)
Very Rev. Fr. Paulose Adai, Chor Episcopos - (2018 - Present)
Treasurer – Koshy Jacob
Secretary – Skaria Oommen
Vice- President –K.A. Cherian
Prayer group – Ammini Abraham
Establishment of St. George Church May 8, 1977
Treasurer – C.V. Varughese
Secretary – Abraham Geevarghese
Prayer group – Ammini Abraham
Church Building Committee (1978-1981)
Treasurer – Koshy Jacob
Secretary – Varghese Thomas
Treasurer –K.A. Cherian
Secretary – P.P. Abraham
Prayer group – Y. John
His Holiness the Catholicos visited the church on July 18, 1979.
Treasurer –K.K. Korah
Secretary – Philip Thykudam
Prayer group – Mariamma Panicker
Youth movement –Koshy Panicker
Number of Board of Trustees raised from 3 to9.
Acquired and consecrated the church building at 75 Cedar Grove Avenue, Staten Island. Contract signed on February 16, 1980 and Deed signed on May 23, 1980. Consecration by His Grace Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios on June 7, 1980.
A copy of the real property buying contact and Certificate of Incorporation presented to H.H. the Catholicos at the Malankara Association meeting held at Kottayam, Kerala, India on May 1, 1980 by H.G. Makakarios and Skaria Oommen.
Treasurer – P.C. John
Secretary – Varghese Koikkal
Prayer group – Y.John
Martha Mariam –Thankamma Korah
Student movement –Annie Cherian
One day Diocesan conference for youth for the first time hosted by our church on July 25, 1981. H.G. Philipose Mar Theophilos Mertopolitan was the chief guest. Rev. Fr. John Mathew and Skaria Oommen were chairman and secretary of the conference.
Diocesan Assembly and Clergy conference were held in our church on 10th October, 1981.
Treasurer – C.V. Varughese
Secretary – Raju Philip
Treasurer – Chacko Varghese
Secretary – Skaria Oommen
Prayer group – Philip Thykudam
M.M. Samajam –Ammini Abraham
S. movement – Rachel George
Staged o drama “Vishakatte” on 10-91982 at McMillan Theatre, Columbia University, New York.
Septuagesius (70th) year celebration of Catholicos re-establishment held on Sept. 12, 1982. Holy week and washing the feet services were conducted by Mar Makarios in our church.
Treasurer – C.V. Vargughese
Secretary – Raju Philip
Prayer group – P.P. Abraham
M.M. Samajam –Annamma Mathew
Student M – Beena Abraham
The Diocesan Council on January 22, 1983 and the Diocesan General assembly on April 9, 1983 were held in our church.
Treasurer – K.K. Korah
Secretary – Abraham Geevarghese
C.B. Committee (1984-85)
Treasurer – John Mathew
Secretary – P.K. George
Prayer group – Mathew Philip
M.M. Samajam –Annamma Mathew
Student m. – Manoj Philip
Mortgage on 75 Cedar Grove Ave property was paid off on 11-2-1984
Treasurer – Koshy Panicker
Secretary – Varghese Thomas
Prayer group – Mathew Chacko
M.M. Samjam –Saramma John
Student m. – Saji Samuel
Diocesan Clergy and Sunday School Teachers conferences were held on December 14, 1985 in our church.
Treasurer – K.A. Cherian
Secretary – Thomas C Varghese
C.B. Committee (1986-1987)
Treasurer – P.C. John
Secretary – P.K. George
Prayer Group – P.S. Philip
M.M. Samajam – Saramma John
Student M. – Danete Daniel
H.B. Mathews Mar Coorilos, Catholicos Designate visited the church on October 10, 1986.
Treasurer – Varghese Thomas
Secretary – Skaria Oommen
Prayer group – P.P. Abraham
M.M. Samajam – Thankamma Korah
Student M. – Danette Daniel
77th Birth Day of H.B. Mathews Mar Coorilos was celebrated in our parish on February 7, 1987.
10th Anniversary of the parish celebrated on May 7th and 8th 1987. Diocesan Metropolitan H.G. Mar Makarios was the chief celebrant. Very Rev. K.C. Oommen cor-episcopa and Rev.Fr. A.M. Varghese were concelebrants.
The 7th Family and Youth Conference of American Diocese was held at Wagner College, Staten Island from July 16th to 19th and St. George Church hosted the conference.
The Diocesan Leadership conference hosted in our parish on September 25, 1987. Three eminent bishops of our church – H.G. Dr. Paulose Mar Gregorios, H.G. Geevarghese Mar Ivanios and Diocesan Metropolitan Mar Makarios led the conference.
St. George Church was blessed and privileged to get the above three bishops to conduct Holy Eucharist in our parish for four consecutive weeks in the month of August 1987.
Treasurer – Varghese Thomas
Secretary – Daniel A George
C.B. Committee (1988-1989)
Treasurer – Mathew Chacko
Secretary – C.V. Varghese
Prayer group –Raju Philip
M.M. Samjam – Molly Thomas
Student M. – Beena Abraham
8th American Family and Youth Conference hosted by the church at Wagner College, Staten Island, New York.
Treasurer –P.K.George
Secretary –Daniel A George
Prayer group –Varghese Mathew
M.M. Samjam –Alamma Varghese
Student M. –Danete Daniel
Treasurer –P.K. George
Secretary – Philip Varghese
C.B. Committee (1990-1991)
Treasurer –P.P. Abraham
Secretary –Sunnykutty Oommen
Prayer group –Philip Thykudam
M.M. Samajam –Alamma Varghese
Student M. –Nancy Varghese
Vacation Bible school started for the first time in our church and conducted from August 23 – 25, 1990.
1st of the 3 lots at Sunset ave acquired on August 15, 1990.
Diocesan Student Retreat was held in our church on March24, 1990
Diocesan Martha Mariam Samajam conference held in our church in October 1990.
Treasurer –Andrews Ittiavirah
Secretary –Philip Varghese
Prayer group –Philip Thykudam
M.M. samajam –Santhamma Philip
Student M. –Yohan Skaria
Treasurer – Andrews Ittiavirah
Secretary – Mathews Philip
C.B. Committee
Treasurer – Babuji George
Secretary – Varghese Thomas
Prayer group – Philip Thykudam
M.M. Samajam – Santhamma Philip
MGOCSM --Aju Mathews
A Diocesan clergy conference was held in our church on May 9, 1992 and 43 priests from all over US and Canada attended.
The Diocesan Advisory committee was on July 30, 1992.
The Ecumenical Christmas and New Year celebrations were organized by our Church with participation from all Kerala Christians of Staten Island in December 1992.
Treasurer –K.K. Korah
Secretary – Mathews Philip
C.B. Committee
Treasurer – Thomas Mathew
Secretary – Varghese Thomas
Prayer group –P.P. Abraham
M.M. Samajam –Leelamma Koikkal
MGOCSM –Asha Thomas
The Diocesan General Assembly held in our church with H.G. Mathews Mar Barnabas Metropolitan on January 16, 1993.
H.H. Moran Mar Baselios Mar Thoma Mathews II Catholicos visited the church on April 11, 1993.
Treasurer –K.K. Korah
Secretary – Mathews Philip
C.B. Committee (1994-1995)
Treasurer – John Mathews
Secretary –C.V. Varughese
Prayer group –P.P. Abraham
M.M. Samajam –Leelamma Koikkal
MGOCSM – Jomy Joseph
Treasurer –P.K. George
Secretary –Philip Varghese
Prayer group –P.P. Abraham
M.M. Samajam –Saramma Mathew
MGOCSM – Jomy Joseph
The church paid off all the mortgage loan from members for lot 1, sunset Ave in 1995.
Treasurer -- P.K. George
Secretary – Philip Varghese
C.B. Committee
Treasurer –Chacko Varghese
Secretary – Andrews Ittiavirah
Prayer group – P.P. Abraham
M.M. Samajam –Saramma Mathew
Mr. John Fusco attorney filed an application with New York City to obtain permission to use the land across the church as parking lot and permission granted.
Treasurer –P.K. George
Secretary –Abraham Geevarghese
C.B. Committee
C.B. Committee
Treasurer – Babu Daniel
Secretary –Andrews Ittiaviah
Prayer group –Idiculla Daniel
M.M. Samajam – Mariamma Abraham
MGOCSM –Joyce Varghese
Aju Mathew son of Mr. & Mrs. Mathews Philip was ordained as a sub decaon by H.G. Barnabas and H.G. Makarios in our church on September 13,1997.
20th anniversary of the parish was celebrated.
Treasurer –C.V. Varughese
Secretary –Abraham Geevarghese
C.B. Committee (1998-1999)
Treasurer –Babu Daniel
Secretary –Oommen George
Prayer group –Idiculla Daniel
M.M. Samajam –Mariamma Abraham
MGOCSM –Nidhi Varghese
Mr. Oommen Chandy (present chief minister of Kerala) visited our church on July 12, 1998.
Treasurer –Philip Thykudam
Secretary –Thomas C Varghese
Prayer group –P.P. Abraham
M.M. Samajam –Cicily Sunny
MGOCSM –Lysen Daniel
The 2nd lot at Sunset Ave purchased on November 16, 1999.
Treasurer –C.V. Varughese
Secretary –Thomas C Varghese
Prayer group –P.P.Abraham
M.M. Samajam –Cicily Sunny
MGOCSM –Lyeson Daniel
The 3rd lot at Sunset Ave was purchased on August 21, 2000.
Vicar Rev. Fr. Paulose Adai is elevated to the rank of cor-episcopa . The consecration and silver jubilee celebration of achen’s priesthood officiated by Mar Barnabas and Mar Iranios metropolitans.
The general Body held on August 6, 2000 passed the by-laws for the parish. The parish sponsored a ganamela Melody 2000 by Dr. P. Susheela and group At New Dorp High School on August 11, 2000.
Treasurer –Varghese Thomas
Secretary –Abraham Geevarghese
Prayer group –Idiculla Daniel
M.M. Samajam –Annamma Skaria
MGOCSM –Leeson Daniel
September 11, 2001 is a day that will live infamy. The notorious and brutal act shock America . A Memorial and Condolence meeting held in our church on September 30, 2001. Various government officials, community leaders and church members spoke on that occasion.
Treasurer –Varghese Thomas
Secretary –Skaria Oommen
Prayer group –Varghese Mathew
M.M. Samajam –Annamma Skaria
In 2002, St. George church celebrated the 25th year (Silver Jubilee).
Bishops Mar Makarios, Mar Barnabas and Mar Nickolovos blessed the celebrations with their prayers and presence. 5 houses were offered to the needy in Kerala. Blood drive set up and 25 members donated their blood. A drama AGNIKIRIDAM was staged by our members and a colorful souvenir published. A choir group for the parish is formed in connection with silver jubilee.
Treasurer –Jacob Mathew
Secretary –John Cherian
Prayer group –Thomas Eapen
M.M. Samajam –Sofi Vilson
MGOCSM –Jason Abraham
Rev. Aju Mathews is ordained as Yupathi Akino by H.G. Mathews Mar Barnabas, Diocesan Metropolitan on April 12, 2003 and appointed him as Thirumeni’s private secretary.
Treasurer –Jacob Mathew
Secretary – John Cherian
Prayer group –Idiculla Daniel
M.M. Samajam –Sofi Vilson
MGOCSM –Jimmy Joseph
The church organized a trip to Lancaster for the Show “Noah” on August 20, 2004. During the year New York State the real estate tax for the Sunset Ave properties.
Treasurer -- Lalu K Mathew
Secretary –Andrews Ittiavirah
Prayer group –Varghese Mathew
M.M. Samajam – Shyni Raju
MGOCSM –Gini Varghese
The exploratory committee formed and decided to buy a new church. A trip organized to the show “Ruth” at Lancaster on September 2, 2005.
A Tsunami and Katrina relief fund formed and collected about $10000.00 for the needy.
Treasurer –Lalu K Mathew
Secretary –Andrews Ittiavirah
Prayer group –Jacob Mathew
M.M. Samajam –Elizabeth Jacob
MGOCSM –Lisa Daniel
The General Body decided to computerize the church records on September 17, 2006.
H.H. Baselios Marthoma Didimos I, Catholicos visited and blessed our church on June 18, 2006.
Treasurer –Babu Philip
Secretary –Nitish Joy
Prayer group –K.K.Korah
M.M. Samajam –Elizabeth Jacob
MGOCSM –Jeffery Philip
Accounting and Documentation (Church Windows) implemented.
Leeson Daniel son of Mr. & Mrs. Idiculla Daniel is ordained as sub-decaon by H.G. Barnabas and H.G. Nicholovos metropolitans on March 10, 2007. Rev. Dn. Aju Philip Mathews son of Mr. & Mrs. Mathews Philip is ordained as Kashisho on March 24, 2004 at St. Thomas Church Philadelphia.
Treasurer –Babu Philip
Secretary –Nitish Joy
Prayer group –Idiculla Daniel
M.M. samajam –Thankamma Korah
MGOCSM –Justin Daniel
H.G. Dr. Thomas Mar Makarios Senior Metropolitan of our church entered Eternal Abode on February 23, 2008.
The Website for our church is launched on May 3, 2008. A Youth Leadership camp was held from August 15 -17, 2008 at Libenzell Retreat Center, New Jersey.
Rev. Dn. Leeson Daniel is ordained as Semssona, full deacon on June 3, 2008 by H.G. Geevarghese Mar Ivanios metropolitan at St. Mary’s church Venmoney, Kerala.
Treasurer –Philip Varghese
Secretary –Idiculla Daniel
Prayer group –P. K. Thomas
M.M. Samajam – Saramma Samuel
MGOCSM –Michael Andrews
Rev. Dn. Andrew Daniel is ordained as Kashisho (Priest) on March 22, 2009 by H.G. Mathews Mar Barnabas and H.G. Zachariah Mar Nicholovos , metropolitans in our church. Rev. Fr. Andrew became the first celibate Priest of the American Diocese.
A Youth Leadership Camp was held at Twin Pines Conference and Retreat Center in Strodusberg, PA. from August 21- 23, 2009.
The General Body met on October 11, 2009 and decided to build a church building at Sunset Ave property. A Church Building Committee formed with Babu Philip as Finance Coordinator and Nitish Joy as Construction Coordinator.
Treasurer –Philip Varghese
Secretary –Thomas C Varghese
C.B. Committee
Finance Coordinator –Babu Philip
Construction Coordinator – Nitish Joy
Prayer group –Idiculla Daniel
M. M. Samajam –Shiny Raju
MGOCSM –Linda Chacko
Very Rev. Yuhanon Ramban (presently H.G. Joshua Mar Nicodimos) conducted Holy Week services from March 28 to April 4, 2010.
Mr. Richard Corash of Corash and Hollander was hired as legal counsel.
Diffendale and Kubec were selected as the architectural firm for the Church construction.
Treasurer –Thomas Eapen
Secretary –Thomas C Varghese
C.B. Committee
Finance Coordinator –Babu Philip
Construction Coordinator –Nitish Joy
Prayer group –Idiculla Daniel
M.M. Samajam –Shiny Raju
MGOCSM –Jennifer Philip
The year 2011 started with the church Construction Design and Developmental Stage. The task of building the new place of worship was awarded to Signature Group of Building Contactors on December 15, 2011 with an anticipated cost of 3.4 million dollars.
Treasurer –Eapen Thomas
Secretary –John Cherian
C.B. Committee
Finance Coordinator –Babu Philip
Construction Coordinator –Philip Thykudam
Prayer group –Sunny Konniyoor
M.M. Samajam –Saramma Abraham
MGOCSM –Joshua Joseph
The Ground Breaking for the new church building at Sunset Avenue was held on January 21, 2012 by H.G. Zachariah Mar Nicholovos, N.E. American Diocesan Metropolitan. The corner stone was laid on April 29, 2012 by H.G. Nichilovos along with vicar Rev. Alex K Joy. The General Body met on July 12, 2012 approved to appoint Church Constructors as Signature Group abandoned the project.
Hurricane Sandy made a landfall on October 29, 2012 and made a big impact to Staten Island particularly to St. George Church. The church basement flooded almost to the ceiling. Church leaders, politicians, and community leaders visited the church and extended their support. President Barack Obama on his visit to the hurricane ravaged area in New Dorp, met with our Vicar Rev. Fr. Alex K Joy, Mr. Martin Sunny, Mr. Sunny Konniyoor and Dr. Skaria Oommen on November --, 2012.
H.G. Mathews Mar Barnabas, former Diocesan Metropolitan of the North East American Diocese entered into Eternal Rest on December 9, 2012. A Memorial Service and Special prayers were held in the church.
Treasurer –Regi Varghese
Secretary –Philip Varghese
C.B. Committee
Finance Coordinator –Babu Philip
Construction Coordinator –Philip Thykudam
Prayer group –Sunny Konniyoor
M.M. Samajam –Saramma Abraham
M.G.O.C.S.M. –Anisha Thykudam
The church construction loan approved by Northfield Bank on August 9, 2013. The contract for the sale of 75 Cedar Grove church property was held on October 4, 2013. The council man James Oddo (present Borough President) visited the church on October 14, 2014.
Treasurer –Regi Varghese
Secretary –Philip Varghese
C.M. Committee
Finance Coordinator –Babu Philip
Construction Coordinator – Philip Thykudam
Prayer group –Abraham Geevarghese
M.M. Samajam – Reena Sabu
MGO.C.S.M. -- ---------------
On February 2, 2014 the last Holy Qurbana at 75 Cedar Grove church was celebrated by Rev. Fr. Alex K Joy. The church services are held at Alba House, 2187 Victory Blvd, Staten Island from February 9, 2012 onwards. The sale of 75Cedar Grove church was held on March 14, 2014 to New York Iglesia Christo (Church of Christ). A variety entertainment program “Kerala Express” was held at New Dorp High School on May 9, 2014.
Treasurer-- Annie John
Secretary – Jose Joy
C.B. Committee
Finance Coordinator –Babu Philip
Construction Coordinator –Philip Thykudam
Prayer group --Abraham Geevarghese
M.M. Samajam –Reena Sabu
MGOCSM -------------------------------
Treasurer - Eapen Thomas (Shiju)
Secretary - John Cherian
Treasurer - Eapen Thomas (Shiju)
Secretary - John Cherian
Treasurer - Eapen Thomas (Shiju)
Secretary - John Cherian
Treasurer - Babu Daniel
Secretary - Abraham Eapen
Treasurer - Babu Daniel
Secretary - Abraham Eapen
Treasurer - Jacob Mathew
Secretary - Raju Joy
Copyright © 2023 St. George Malankara Orthodox Church - All Rights Reserved.